
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Critical care for Roberto

The beginning of this month 
we admitted Roberto to the hospital.  The Friday before a small bump appeared on his back.  It didn’t seem like much, but we wanted it to get checked.  We decided to watch it over the weekend.  By Monday it had grown significantly, but here Monday was a holiday.  The clinics were closed.  It really didn’t seem like it needed an emergency room visit.

We were wrong, however, and by the time we could see our doctor on Tuesday, the bump, which proved to be an abscess, was huge.  Surgery was required.  First, however, IV antibiotics would be needed.  Roberto also was anemic and would need a blood transfusion prior to surgery to build up his red blood count.

The sad reality we face is that this abscess was caused by the same bone infection of his pelvis that required surgery almost two years ago. The usual treatment for such a bone infection would be to remove the bone, but that is impossible with a pelvis. So, for the rest of his life Roberto will be on a strong antibiotic, and will need daily nursing care to maintain a permanent drain in his back to all the infection to escape.

No one can know for sure when this infection started, but we believe it was when he first operated on years ago in a national hospital when he fell from a tree and broke his spine. Really, it doesn't matter, since this is what we face now.

Honestly, I was heartbroken.  This is the fourth surgery Roberto has needed since he came to us.

Seven years ago,  on the Fourth of July, we found him living is horrible conditions, and brought him to live with us the same day.  (Click here to read his story).  In those seven years, we have watched him heal physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally.  But life has been hard for him and once again he is facing a challenge that would break many men.

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